catechism: The Principles and Teachings of Christianity
Authors: ََA.Glukhov
Translators: Farzaneh Shafiee
Language: Parsian
Publisher: Nashr Adian
Publish Date: 2019
Price: 35000
“The Principles and Teachings of Christianity” is a set of orthodox Christian religious instructions meaning "study" and "persuasion methods" derived from the Greek word (κατηχέω) “to remember" and "to explain".  The present book was written by the spiritual master Ivan Alexandrovich Glukhov and explains the main teachings of Orthodox Christianity that form the basis of Christianity.
This book is compiled based on Ivan Glukhov's lectures on the principles of Orthodox Christianity and in full accordance with the works of the clergies.  The book reflects the author's inner world and his personal beliefs, also shows hope and love for God as a burning desire to awaken and strengthen the beliefs in readers.