"Walking in Tolstoy Shoes"
Authors: Farzaneh Shafiee and Abuzar Ebrahimi Torkaman
Translators: -
Language: Parsian
Publisher: Scientific and cultural publications
Publish Date: 2013
Price: 12500
Link: www.ketabgostarco.com
"Walking in Tolstoy Shoes" is a glance at Tolstoy's thoughts and approaches, also the doctrinal and critical view of this famous nineteenth-century Russian author.
Tolstoy, like all human beings, has always cultivated an idea in his mind, and in the last years of his life he has paid special attention to the subject of Lord and Serf also people’s sufferings and problems. A collection of Lev Tolstoy's correspondence with Mahatma Gandhi and some other prominent individuals is translated and presented in this book.
The book is available at the “Gisom Comprehensive Book Network”, “Tomorrow's Book Hangout”, as well as the online bookstore.